Office Workout


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We are stuck indoors more these days… well at least those of us that despise freezing temps. I encourage those that are able to take an afternoon or lunch time walk around the block to continue to do so with appropriate bundling. If that doesn’t sound appealing and your work building isn’t very large I give you the office workout. More and more research these days state that sitting is the new smoking. I am up seeing patients frequently but a large part of my day does rely on computer paperwork. Plus blogging- unfortunately I don’t have a good standing desk area, but hopefully I will one day. I try to make sure I’m getting up for at least 5 minutes every hour… plus I’ll try to throw in some lunge or squats or wall sits. I compiled office appropriate exercise for the perfect during a work break workout!

Try to move into each exercise without resting, but as always if you need to rest or someone walks by and gives you a weird look- feel free to rest.

Run/jog (in place or seated on chair)-while seated or standing move legs as fast as possible

Wall sitstry to hold for at least 30 seconds up to 1 minute

Butt squeezeseated in chair clench as hard as you can and hold, repeat for 1 minute

Grip squeezeusing squeeze ball, towel, or anything; squeeze as hard as possible

Air punchingwhile standing move arms as fast as possible

Chair squatsstand and squat down letting butt barely graze chair and hold for 5 seconds and repeat

Seated calf raisesseated with feet flat on the floor, bring heels up off floor and flex calves, hold for 5 seconds and repeat

Do you do any “office” exercises? Take a walk during your lunch break or anything else to move more??


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