I can’t believe it’s the final week of our wellness challenge. I have really enjoyed putting together these posts and this program and definitely plan to do it again. Be sure to sign up for my email list below if you missed out and would like to participate in the future or just stay engaged with some behind the blog scenes content.
This week we are talking about general health- basically the importance of going to the doctor regularly. Serious diseases and conditions can be symptom-less to the human eye so following up annually with your doctors to make sure all your ducks are in a row can be the most important part of prevention. Don’t be afraid to talk about an embarrassing body issue or your mental health- a doctor/healthcare practitioner is the person that can remedy these problems- plus they are bound by confidentiality. Ditch Dr. Google and take advantage of your FREE yearly physical (yes a yearly physical is free for all health insurances). Stay on top of your health to live well.
If you have any questions about the program please reach out to me via email at dietitianjessnutrition at gmail dot com. Thanks for everyone that participated!