A recent study showed the skipping breakfast might not matter for weight loss. The general concept of weight loss is deficit of calories in vs. calories out. Well a calorie is a calorie no matter what time of day. There are many reasons society pushes breakfast as a necessity into our minds. And it’s not for nothing.
In my opinion I still believe breakfast is a very important part of the day whether you’re trying to lose weight or not. The nutrients taken in during breakfast provide the necessary fuel for your daily activities and keep you from snacking or making impulse decisions about food. Breakfast food provides fuel for starting your day of work, school, or activities. Eating a well-balanced breakfast can also help reduce hunger for later in the day. Most importantly for dieters, I believe that starting the day off with good nutrition provides a great mindset for a general healthy lifestyle.
Especially important for those that work out in the morning, you need to break that fast! General rule of thumb is to eat within an hour of waking up. I’ve never had a problem eating first thing in the morning but I know other people struggle to get something down their throats. It’s ok to eat a small portion of your meal to get your day started and then eat something more substantial a little later, the main point is just to get those nutrients! There are a vast number of options for breakfast a few of the more common ones include: eggs, cereal, oatmeal, muffins, smoothies, fruit, toast with peanut butter, and yogurt. And each of these options offer more variations: scrambled eggs vs. over easy, types of cereal, toppings for oatmeal, fillings for muffins, fruit choices for smoothies, the list goes on.
Today I’m sharing my Best Oatmeal recipe. It’s an overnight oat variation that I have recently become addicted to and it’s time to share with the world!
1/3 cup rolled oats
2 TBSP almond butter
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (about ¼ cup)
¼ cup applesauce (could also use ½ a smashed banana)
1/3 cup milk
Top with chocolate chips, blueberries, carob nibs etc (optional)
1. Mix everything thoroughly in Pyrex bowl or Tupperware.
2. Add milk as needed to combine ingredients, should be thick and creamy not liquidy.
3. Store in fridge overnight, give another mix before enjoying.
A couple of notes about this recipe…. I like these oats cold which makes them perfect for summer but you could also heat them up. I have experimented with several different protein powders and by far the best tasting one in my opinion is Cellucor. No it’s not the healthiest protein powder and I usually don’t use protein powders regularly until I created this bowl of goodness. But it’s definitely one of very few things that actually keep me full until the next meal and I’m going to have to give a lot of that credit to the protein powder. And no I’m not affiliated with Cellucor in any way it’s just my own personal preference. But yeah it’s delicious and I can’t guarantee these tasty results without using that protein powder.
Do you use any protein powders?? Any favorites?? Loyal to one brand??