Okay so this recipe was created out of mere curiosity and I wasn’t very neat while making these…. So the photos are pretty terrible, however these cups are delicious! All you need to do to make them look prettier is to spread the chocolate evenly and smoothly, see note in directions. I love chocolate and peppermint together- and alone! I actually love brushing my teeth because I like the taste of toothpaste- is that weird? Well that and I have an obsession with food not being stuck in my teeth. Anyways… has the holiday chaos hit you? I spent part of my Saturday wrapping Christmas presents which makes me super exciting to give my friends and family awesome gifts. And then I spend Sunday making gifts for my coworkers- homemade Chex mix and chocolate covered Oreos and pretzels. Oreo’s sort of gross me out because they are vegan- the cream isn’t real cream, basically it’s just lard. Gross, right!? But throw a little chocolate on them and they are delicious! Although if I was making them for myself I totally would’ve spent $6 on “healthy” oreos, but my co-workers are the overly healthy type, so I saved the $3. Cheap, I know, but it’s that time of year! Hopefully posting another time in the next few days, if I get too crazed at work sorry in advance and I’ll see you back here next week! Happy Holidays Friends 🙂
1 cup coconut crème (refrigerated)
1 TBSP peppermint extract
¼ cup agave
12 oz dark chocolate
1. Make sure coconut crème is refrigerated, preferably overnight, scoop out 1 cup of the solid part (if there is any liquid don’t use that)
2. Mix in agave and peppermint extract (you can add more or less peppermint flavor or sweetener depending on your preferences- taste as you go)
3. Put that mixture in the fridge while you work with the chocolate.
4. Melt chocolate on stovetop or microwave, check frequently and make sure it does no burn
5. Using a cupcake tin, drop a spoonful, just enough to coat the bottom of each cupcake hole, freeze for 10-15 minutes
6. Once frozen, bring out coconut peppermint mixture and cupcake pan and spoon as much as desired onto the chocolate, freeze for 15-30 minutes
7. Again take out the cupcake tin and top with remaining chocolate, should be evenly coated- NOTE: the chocolate will set veryyyy quickly, this is why mine didn’t turn out so pretty, I didn’t realize and was sloppy, if you are serving these at a party you want to be especially careful and neat here, if you are eating them yourself, don’t worry about it, they are delicious no matter what they look like!
Do you like peppermint flavored treats!? Peppermint patties used to be one of my favorites!