If you read my rant about treadmills and running indoors, this is for you. If you also despise the elliptical and feel like you’re not working hard enough on it, this is for you. If you’re looking for a way to switch up your cardio routine and incorporate something new that doesn’t involve a machine, this is for you. Oh, and if you hate the cold as much as I do, this is for you.
Machineless Cardio Warm up
50 Jumping jacks
2 50 meter Sprints
10 Burpees
30 High knees
30 mountain clumbers
60 seconds of jump rope
** Repeat this as many times as you want until you meet your desired cardio time frame (I usually do 4 rounds and I’m warmed up and ready to lift something heavy!
What do you do to warm up?? Cardio? Running, Elliptical?? For how long???