This smoothie is silky, crunchy, and sensual all at the same time. Who doesn’t love blueberries plus the addition of some super foods!? Plus coconut crème… have you ever had it? I get mine at Trader Joe’s, it will say coconut crème on the can not to be confused with coconut milk. Empty the coconut crème into a Pyrex or Tupperware and store in fridge overnight… the next morning it will be the consistency of whipped cream… yes it’s as delicious as it sounds. You won’t use the whole can so make sure you enjoy the rest of that whipped cream bliss on top of dessert, breakfast, or a smoothie. What makes this so creamy besides the coconut crème is the half of frozen banana… start freezing your bananas for smoothies! The consistency is awesome and you get more sweetness and use less ice. PS I know the pictures aren’t the prettiest but the all the colors kinda canceled each other out and made sort of a brownish color, my bad. But it is yummy and nutritious!
1 cup frozen blueberries
1½ cups milk
½ frozen banana
½ cup coconut crème
2 TBSP hemp seeds
1 cup spinach
1 tsp vanilla extract
Ice as preferred
Sprinkle of cacao nibs
1. Combine all ingredients and blend… add milk or ice as needed to provide consistency to your liking!
2. Enjoy immediately or refrigerate for later
What is your favorite fruit to add to smoothies? Have you ever had coconut crème?