Try to move into each exercise without resting, but as always if you need to rest or someone walks by and gives you a weird look- feel free to rest.
Run/jog (in place or seated on chair)-while seated or standing move legs as fast as possible
Wall sits– try to hold for at least 30 seconds up to 1 minute
Butt squeeze– seated in chair clench as hard as you can and hold, repeat for 1 minute
Grip squeeze– using squeeze ball, towel, or anything; squeeze as hard as possible
Air punching– while standing move arms as fast as possible
Chair squats–stand and squat down letting butt barely graze chair and hold for 5 seconds and repeat
Seated calf raises– seated with feet flat on the floor, bring heels up off floor and flex calves, hold for 5 seconds and repeat
Do you do any “office” exercises? Take a walk during your lunch break or anything else to move more??