Recipe Redux: Back to the Dinner Table


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“After the hustle and bustle of the holiday/vacation season, August is the time many families get ‘back to routine.’ Show us your favorite recipe to help families get ‘back to the dinner table.’ It might be a favorite family recipe from your childhood that you’ve ReDuxed; or maybe it’s your family’s current favorite. Let’s all gather back at the table!”

Given recent events I haven’t been cooking much…. I’ve spent a lot of the last month in Pittsburgh with my family where many people were so caring and generous provided us with meals so we wouldn’t have to worry about cooking. In fact… since my dad was hospitalized a month ago I think I’ve cooked twice.

Motivation is low…. Understandably so.

Fortunately when I cook usually it’s just for my husband and myself but I always make my meals to feed at least 4, sometimes more… enter the freezer. My freezer meals (along with some greens for easy made salads) have helped supply balanced meals in our household recently. I made these salmon “meat” balls probably 3 months ago, we ate a few with whatever dinner we were having that night and I froze the rest. These are not only super easy and inexpensive to make, they also can be used in many recipes- Asian stir fry, in place of meatballs, on top of salads… the list goes on. For those of you that are parents and getting back into the swing of school days these are great to have on hand for a super quick meal.


Salmon “Meat” Balls


12 oz canned salmon

2 eggs

¾ cup panko

½ cup finely chopped onions

1 tsp salt

2 finey chopped garlic cloves

2 tsp Italian seasoning


1.       Using your hands, combine ingredients thoroughly and mold into balls

2.       Bake at 350 for 18-20 minutes

3.       Serve warm, or freeze/refrigerate for future use

What are some of your family favorite recipes?? Any school night go tos while your schedule runs rampant with activities? Check out what my fellow Reduxers came up with this month below…


As the first and only recipe challenge founded by registered dietitians, The Recipe ReDux aims to inspire the food lover in every healthy eater and inspire the healthy eater in every food lover. Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy!

(Please note that this is a closed link-up for Recipe ReDux posts only. Any links added to this collection for non-ReDux posts will be deleted.) 


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