Stability Ball Workout


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The Stability Ball can be your best friend or worst enemy. I actually love the ball, it makes exercises more interesting and fun!  I’ve been experimenting and created a brief workout with some basic moves using the ball. The ball challenges you to stabilize your body through your core, making basic moves more challenging and working your core double time. Plus it’s just kind of fun to be on this huge ball! This can be done at home if you have a ball, or in the gym!

25 crunches on ball (lower back pressed against ball)

15 chest press with dumbbells (use the weight you feel comfortable with)

10 stability ball pikes (this is a more advanced move- if unable to complete substitute plank with feet up on ball and hold for 30 seconds)

10 balance flies with dumbbells-each leg (reverse fly with shin resting on ball and then switch legs)

10 ball tricep dips (one leg on ball, other leg bent- start with butt on ground and lift up)

**Complete 3 times

This exercise not only works your core, but also triceps, biceps, back and shoulders! This is a great way to end a bis or tris day with some challenging abdominal exercises. What exercises do you use the stability ball for?? Do you love it or avoid it!?

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